#Juliet Hull
I’m passionate about mental health because without it, none of us performs at our best.
This year, Mental Health Awareness Week (26 Sept – 2 Oct) is about reconnection: ‘Reconnect – with the people and places that lift you up to enhance your wellbeing – hei pikinga waiora.’
Life can be tough for everybody and often even harder when you’re a senior leader and don’t feel you have anyone to confide in. It can all be quite overwhelming.
To look after others, look after yourself first
We can only be good leaders, partners, spouses, and parents when we’re looking after ourselves. So this week, make sure you have some ‘downtime’ for yourself.
Get out into the sun, get close to nature, walk on the beach – just take yourself off for some alone-time.
Of course, take time to also look after others in your business or organisation. Check that they’re ok, offer help and support when they need it. But first, look after yourself, then look after others.
Learn more:
Mental Health Awareness Week Website
Mental Health Foundation of NZ Facebook Page
Enjoy uplifting tracks from local artists, in the Spotify MHAW Playlist
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