Juliet Hull Consulting
Recommendations & Reviews

It’s always satisfying to receive wonderful feedback, but even more of a pleasure to have worked with these inspiring clients and colleagues.

Business Consulting Testimonials

Governance Testimonials

Executive Coaching Testimonials

Facilitation Testimonials

Speaking & Presenting Testimonials

Juliet is a gifted business speaker, who quickly connects with her audience to build rapport and interest. Her business and life experience combine to provide a strong platform of knowledge that she willingly shares with her audiences. Juliet can be thought-provoking and challenging when required, and leaves audiences feeling empowered to act and inspired to embrace change. Having seen Juliet both present as a keynote speaker and act as MC, I highly recommend her for your next event.
Kylie Hawker-Green
Manager: New Zealand Major Events
Juliet recently spoke at one of our events. Her knowledge and experience were clear and provided value to the team. Some feedback we received was, “I really needed to hear that today.” Sometimes we face a challenge and empowering others to get through it is important. Juliet did that through her presentation to the group at this event. I highly recommend Juliet.
Dominique Bornhauser
Field Sales Manager, Orthopaedic & Senior Product Specialist: Device Technologies
Juliet has spoken at a number of our events and is inspiring and knowledgeable. Her presentation style is 1st class and I can't wait to work with her again. Thanks again Juliet.
Richard Keehan
CEO: Amplify – Economic Development for the Taupo District