Experienced Facilitator for Strategy Planning Sessions

An external Facilitator is often useful for Strategy Planning. Facilitation helps ‘steer the ship’, by encouraging healthy debate and keeping discussions on track.

I derive great satisfaction from working alongside businesses, organisations and leadership teams by facilitating Strategy Planning sessions. Before facilitating, I will consult with you to understand the objectives of the session/s and if needed, provide guidance about realistic outcomes.

During the Strategy Session/s I facilitate workshops (e.g. team building), observe and guide discussions. After each session, I’ll provide a summary of my observations and work with you to form a strategy.

If you need an experienced Facilitator and Strategy Planning sessions to help grow your business or organisation, then please do reach out.

Strategy Planning & Team Building

An example of my facilitation work is two days of Strategy Planning with a District Council in New Zealand. I worked alongside the Deputy CEO, who was developing the Council’s key areas of focus and determining what they wanted to achieve.

As the Facilitator, I:

  • Conducted an independent Strategy Planning session revolving around the Do’s & Don’ts for improving performance.
  • Observed Team Building exercises.
  • Facilitated sharing of ideas.
  • Helped participants stay on track to achieve their goals.
  • Summarised my thoughts and observations & provided feedback to the Management Team