Mentors can be in many forms
Mentorship can be provided as a formal or informal relationship and mentors may come from within your company, or externally. Whatever type of mentor is available to you, grab the opportunity!
In recent years mentoring has become more formalised, as the benefits were more widely recognised. Mentorship is now a particular skillset of mine, that’s often useful in my executive coaching and business consulting work.
Mentoring through change
The feedback mentoring provides for managers, leaders and executives is especially important in times of change (such as we are currently going through, including ongoing impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic).
Knowing that someone has your back when you’re making tough decisions and having difficult conversations within your business or organisation, can be hugely beneficial!
- It helps you see the full picture, not just the piece of it you glimpse.
- It gives you different perspectives/viewpoints.
- It provides a sounding board for your ideas.
Even mentors need mentors
One of my mentors, is my husband. The complete opposite of me, he ‘tells me off’ (provides constructive criticism) when I start to have self-doubts. But he also supports me when I need someone to stand behind me, or simply listen after a tough day!
No matter what level you’re at in your business or organisation, a mentor to provide checks, balances and feedback is essential. And if you lead a team, putting in place a mentorship programme will definitely pay dividends.
Do get in touch if mentoring/Executive Coaching is something you’re considering for your company; one-to-one or for a group, face-to-face or remotely.
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